Sherman and Virginia, ages 82 and 80, were hit head-on in the city limits of Poplar Bluff by an uninsured driver that was driving at a high speed. They were seriously injured, with Sherman suffering 27 fractured bones in his body; was rushed to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis where he had three major surgeries. Virginia had 4 non-surgical fractures and made a remarkably quick recovery.
They were referred to our firm for representation by a local insurance agent who was familiar with our firm. Their policy had a face value of $500,000 for Uninsured Motorist Coverage. However, there were three vehicles on the policy and Steve stacked them to come to arguably a 1.5 million UM coverage.
Long story short, the case was settled for $1,500,000.00 much to the delight of the clients. Sherman and Virginia are two of the most wonderful people this firm has ever met, worked hard all of their lives (Viriginia is still working!), raised two of their kids and four of their grandkids. By having serious injuries, Sherman has made a remarkable recovery and has resumed gardening and putting in another half-acre garden for this 2024 gardening-year. The only long term effect for Sherman is that he moves a little slower than he did before the crash (!) Everyone here was very, very happy that they received this settlement for all the right reasons.
The attorney for the insurance company has had a 30+ year professional relationship with Steve and obviously knew and respected him. This is truly a feel-good story.
After a long, hard fight featuring many contested critical motions, depositions, hundreds of email and phone calls, we started out the New Year with a seven-figure settlement on the case of our client from Campbell, Missouri. The client was seriously injured in Clay Co. Arkansas when another truck crossed the centerline and slammed into our client’s tractor-trailer. Our client was initially treated conservatively but then opted for surgery in an attempt to stop the severe pain in his back and lower extremities in hopes that he could go back to work. The surgery was not successful. Our client – who was 50 years old at the time of the crash – is facing pain and limitations and will be out of work the rest of his life.
Steve Walsh co-counseled with Bobby McDaniel from Jonesboro, AR. The issue of mediation came-up but both Bobby and Steve felt that mediation would be a waste of time. A key to getting the case settled without a trial was Steve’s ability to secure a huge reduction in the St. Francis medical lien. Steve summed-up the case as follows: “Our clients are truly victims of a very serious truck crash involving very serious permanent injuries to our client. They deserve every penny from this settlement because basically their life has been shattered and forever changed.”
NICE VERDICT FOR A DESERVING FAMILY: On Friday, June 30, 2023, a Butler County jury returned a verdict for $375,000.00 in favor of a Broseley, Missouri man. The case was defended by an in-house Nationwide staff attorney who had, before trial, offered to settle for $75,000.00. A total of 10 witnesses testified in this day and-a-half trial, including live medical testimony from a local doctor. The client had been run off the road by a local businessman and then, after running our client off the road, proceeded to go west to escape. An off-duty trooper just happened to be coming from the opposite direction and recorded the whole crash on video and then went back to stop the businessman and bring him back to the crash scene.
Steve Walsh was assisted by his long-time collaborator, Shaun Hanschen of the Blanton Law Firm in Sikeston. They routinely team-up to try federal civil rights cases, but in this event, teamed-up for the trial to insure the evidence went in smoothly and to confront any last minute problems (of which there weren’t any). Our client had the quote of the day when he was being harassed by the insurance defense attorney on why he would do a heavy physical job, such as building a concrete sidewalk from house to pond for his wife and his response was: “Sometimes you just have to do the right thing”. That is what attorney Walsh requested the jury to do and after deliberating an hour and forty-five minutes, they came back with a very nice verdict of $375,000.00, which is the largest verdict in Butler County in the last ten years. This case took 5 years from crash to verdict and the clients became very good friends with Mr. Walsh and his staff.
Jail Suicide: Smith et al. v. Reynolds County et al. - The Mother and two sons of Adrian Smith filed suit against Reynolds County, the former Reynolds County Sheriff and multiple deputies. Of all the jail suicide cases handled by the firm, this featured the most egregious, outrageous set of facts: There was no full-time jailer at the jail; the sole jailer would come in at 7:00 a.m. and leave at 4:00 p.m.; the Sheriff and jailers knew the decedent was suicidal and in need of psychotropic drugs but failed to provide him with medications the day before his death; a fan was placed next to the cell occupied by decedent with the orange extension cord being placed inside the cell of decedent – the very ligature used by decedent to end his life. After a failed mediation session the case was settled for $900,000.00.
DWI – Not Guilty: Steve Walsh for the firm, together with his son, Kyle Walsh, represented Mr. Neal King who, while on probation for DWI, received another DWI charge. At trial, Mr. King did not testify. A video of the trooper’s dashcam of the stop showed client driving particularly well in the 1 ½ miles before he was stopped. The jury deliberated for 19 minutes and came back with a Not Guilty verdict.
Motorcycle Crash: In February of 2022, A.P., client, while driving his motorcycle on Pine/Business 60, was run off the road by a S.H. Smith & Company car who left the scene; client sustained damage to his collar bone and shoulder. The identity of the driver was – after many efforts – discovered, suit was filed and the case settled for $155,000.00.
Boating While Intoxicated – Not Guilty: In October of 2022, a bench trial was held before the Honorable David Swindle and after hearing the evidence on both sides, a Judgment was entered - Not Guilty.
Confidential Settlement – Jail Suicide: Client’s husband, a former law enforcement officer, was arrested for violation of federal laws; he was placed in a single man cell, which featured a video camera in the cell. After several weeks in the county jail, he hung himself. His body was not discovered until 16 hours later. After defense attorney obstructed, stalled, delayed for some 20 months, a confidential settlement was obtained for his widow, our client.
Confidential Settlement – Jail Suicide: Client’s son was arrested outside a motel for stealing a pistol from one of the hotel guests; despite three body searches of client’s son, no weapon was found. When he was escorted into a secured city jail location to “dress out”, he suddenly pulled the pistol from his crotch area and killed himself. The case was settled confidentially at mediation.
Confidential Settlement: Client’s son was arrested on a misdemeanor warrant for marijuana, taken into custody and then transported from one county (no jail) to a bordering county that had a jail. Despite showing signs of heavy methamphetamine use during the transport and after arriving at the jail, no efforts were made to treat him, even though the transport truck came within 1/8th of a mile of a hospital. Eventually that same day, he was rushed to a hospital where he died two days later. Both counties were sued by decedent’s Mother; the case was settled during mediation.
Car Crash: Client, A.Z., was driving in Scott County with his passenger/fiancée when an agricultural truck ran a stop sign and t-boned their car, killing the fiancée and injuring A.Z. After a contentious hearing between the fiancée’s heirs and A.Z., the Judge awarded our client $748,307.00. The firm employed a psychologist to explain to the Judge the cause and all of the ramifications of client’s PTSD.
Domestic Assault Not Guilty: Client was charged with domestic assault while trying to “free” his girlfriend from an ex-girlfriend in Wal-Mart. After a bench trial, client was found Not Guilty.
$500,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement for death of 84 year-old bicyclist: To close out 2020, a wrongful death claim was filed and settled on behalf of the family of William "Bill" Piatt. Mr. Piatt was fatally injured when a pick-up truck driver rear-ended his bicycle in rural New Madrid county. Bill Piatt was a retired minister who – never really retired from life – as he preached part-time, was active in the Boy Scouts, enthusiastic hand radio operator, as well as a home repairman. A few weeks before his death, he was on top of his roof doing repairs.
The case was settled without filing suit after Stephen E. Walsh sent a demand letter to Liberty Mutual's senior adjuster, including in the demand letter various photographs of the decedent and his family, bicycling activities (he had over 11,000 miles logged o his bicycle since 2014), as well as videos of decedent. Steve, in his demand letter, emphasized a truism that he learned from his trial college, The Edge: "It is not when you die that important, it's how you die that matters". The case came to the firm through the son-in-law of the deceased who is a member of the Highway Patrol who had wrestled with Steve some 20 years ago in a criminal case in Cape county.
Confidential Settlement—Attempted Jail Suicide: Stephen Walsh for the firm was able to obtain a confidential settlement on behalf of a Southeast Missouri resident who had been held in a local county jail for an alleged crime. The local counseling center called the jail when they were notified that the client was incarcerated to warn the jail personnel of the fact that, in the past, the client had suicidal ideations and should be closely watched. The jail employees did absolutely nothing in response to the call. In fact, rather than watching the client they housed him on the second floor of the jail where he proceeded to jump off the railing in an attempt to end his life. The client survived after a most intensive, extensive hospitalization. After suit was filed a confidential settlement was reached. In accordance with the confidential settlement the name of the jail/defendants and the amount of settlement cannot be released.
Confidential Settlement—Police Brutality: Stephen Walsh for the firm was able to negotiate a confidential settlement on behalf of his client who was beaten by a police officer in a Southeast Missouri town. The client suffered fractures to his face. The police body-cam captured the brutal assault. In accordance with the confidential settlement the name of the police department/defendants and the amount of settlement cannot be released.
Confidential Settlement—Wrongful Death of a 19-year-old Mother of One: In April of 2020, the firm settled—on a confidential basis—a lawsuit against a railroad company wherein the decedent driver was struck by a train and instantly killed. The parents of the decedent driver hired the firm to file and prosecute the suit which ended up being resolved short of trial by confidential settlement. In accordance with the confidential settlement the name of the railroad company/defendants and the amount of settlement cannot be released.
Confidential Settlement—Suicide in Southeast Missouri Clinic: The firm was able to obtain a confidential settlement regarding the suicide death of an elderly patient in a Southeast Missouri Inpatient Mental Clinic. The family members of the decedent hired the firm to prosecute a wrongful death claim against the clinic. In accordance with the confidential settlement the name of the clinic/defendants and the amount of settlement cannot be released.
Confidential Settlement SEMO County for False Arrest/Imprisonment: A.G., a 34-year-old mother was driving in rural Southeast, Missouri with her infant and other passengers. She was pulled over for an equipment violation which later turned out to be false. She was incarcerated in the County Jail for 9 days and charged with a controlled substance charge where the arresting officer later testified under oath that there was no reason for the stop and the felony charges were later dismissed; she and her baby were physically separated for 5 months. A.G. then asserted a claim for false arrest/false imprisonment against the County and the claim was settled before suit was filed.
Car Crash: Stephen Walsh for the firm was able to resolve the personal injury claim of T.T. who suffered injuries to his neck requiring a micro discectomy. T.T. was injured in a car crash in Poplar Bluff, Missouri and the case was settled for the policy limits of $50,000.00 with the negligent driver's insurance company; the firm then began negotiating with the client's employer's underinsured motorist coverage and settled for $95,000.00 for a total of $145,000.00 settlement. The client fortunately made a complete recovery after the surgery and was happy with the result reached.
$220,000.00 Settlement for Rear-End Collision: Four days before the case was scheduled to go to jury trial in the Butler County Circuit Court, client, Dennis Faughn's case was settled when adjusters from Nationwide Indemnity Company out of Des Moines, Iowa contacted Steve Walsh and ultimately offered a $220,000.00 settlement. Interestingly, at a trial college earlier in the year the case had been valued at a much lower figure.
Our client, 73-year-old Dennis Faughn, was injured when he and his wife were stopped at the stop light at the Wal-Mart Intersection in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. The medical transport van carrying an 8 ½ month pregnant passenger and her young son was traveling south when the driver—who was distracted her cell phone—did not apply her brakes until one second before the collision. The injuries sustained in the crash led to Mr. Faughn needing neck surgery. The client was covered by Medicare with the reimbursement amount at $20,000.00.
Confidential Settlement with SEMO Municipality for Excessive Force: J.F., a 27-year-old man was walking down the streets of a Southeast Missouri Municipality on May 24, 2019. He encountered members of the local police department who tased and struggled with him for over 30 minutes before subduing him and ultimately hog-tying him. Law enforcement officers continued to physically abuse him by choking and striking him while he was restrained.
J.F. received several bruises, scratches and scrapes but was not permanently injured. The firm negotiated with the insurance carrier for the municipality and ultimately reached a confidential settlement.
Local nurse receives $100,000.00 verdict. On October 17, 2018 a Butler County jury returned a verdict of $100,000.00 in favor of Plaintiff, Honda Huster, and against Defendant, Household Housekeeping Systems, LLC (HHS). Plaintiff sustained a slip and fall while working at the old Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center. Defendant HHS had a contract to clean the floors of the old hospital; the Defendant is a national corporation having maintenance contracts with 400 hospitals in 35 states as well as other businesses. Plaintiff was an RN on the Labor and Delivery floor of the old hospital when she fell after entering a soiled linen room that had just been wet-mopped. Plaintiff landed on her knee and ultimately had to have a knee replacement.
At trial, Senior Partner, Stephen E. Walsh, stressed the issues of the case to the jury: there was a failure to train and supervise housekeepers; failure to use—per company policy—the thinner Swiffer mops as opposed to the old string loop mops; and, failure to follow the company policy to put wet floor signs on the outside of the door and inside the room. The housekeeper only placed one wet floor sign outside the room.
The pre-trial offer at mediation was $2,000.00. "The low-ball offer from Defendant made the decision to go to jury trial a very easy one" said Steve Walsh. We had subpoenaed the safety officer for the Defendant for a deposition which including subpoenaing all of the training and safety manuals used in the business. He did not bring one sheet of paper to the mediation. That was telling.
The October 2018 trial was the only civil trial tried at the Butler County Courthouse during the calendar year for 2018. Walsh went on to say, "My client, Honda, was very pleased with the jury result; she certainly hopes that this verdict will bring some changes in the way HHS conducts their business—putting the safety of hospital employees and visitors above all else."
Drug charges dismissed—local police violate Body-Cam Policy. On 16th day of October, 2018 the Butler County Prosecuting Attorney's Office dismissed charges against the defendant, M.S. after the Presiding Judge Pritchett sustained Steve Walsh's Motion to Suppress. The suppression hearing was conducted on September 18, 2018 and Walsh attacked the officer's basis for a search. At the hearing it was revealed that the local officers only activated their body-cam after they gained entrance to the defendant's apartment. The body-cam policy of the PBPD clearly states they must activate their body-cam as soon as they come into contact with a citizen and keep it on throughout the encounter. The failure to activate results in an independent report by the officer stating why all of the search was not captured on body-cam video. There was no report generated. Defendant had been charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. The defense contended this was not a consensual search and that the officers just bullied their way past defendant and his girlfriend at the apartment door. The Prosecutor failed to meet his burden of proof so the evidence was suppressed and charges dismissed.
Confidential Settlement Against New Madrid County for Jail Suicide: Walsh Firm was featured in the April 2, 2018 Missouri Lawyer’s Weekly in the case of Goodrich vs. New Madrid County et. al., 1:16-cv-00117-AGF. The case took more than two years to develop and prepare for trial—Goodrich was finally settled before the Federal trial date. Steve Walsh, took numerous video depositions with the most significant being that of Sheriff Stevens who came across as a very nonchalant, “stuff happens” type attitude. The most egregious part of the case was that no jailer was on the jail floor from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; Ms. Goodrich was brought to the jail around 10:30 p.m. by road deputies who—after processing her and putting her in an isolation cell—left the jail floor around 1:00 a.m. On his video deposition, Sheriff Stevens testified that the scheduled jailer called in sick and the Sheriff could not find another employee to take the shift. When asked by Steve: “Why didn’t you take the shift, Sheriff?” He answered, “I don’t have a good answer—I don’t know.”
This case had been reviewed by two other law firms who both told the Goodrich family they did not have a case and declined to file suit. This is the third jail suicide settlement in four years for Walsh Law Firm. The firm currently has another jail suicide case pending in Federal Court in Cape Girardeau.
Confidential Settlement: On February 10, 2013 Timothy Lee of rural Dexter, Missouri took his life by hanging in the Butler County Jail. His death was a result of a systems break down in law enforcement with the Stoddard County Sheriff's Department and the Butler County Sheriff's Department/Jail being a part of the failure.
On Sunday, February 3, 2013, Tim Lee, called his mother in the early morning hours asking her to pick him up at a local hotel. He had been separated from his wife of many years and he was upset and intoxicated. His estranged wife lived a few doors down from Tim's mother and when Tim got home he grabbed a gun and went to his wife's house to wait for her to return home. Tim's mother called the Dexter Police and the Stoddard County Sheriff's Department. After arriving at the home the officers took Tim into custody. He was intoxicated, homicidal and suicidal. Rather than seeking mental health treatment, they called a bondsman in Poplar Bluff—he had charges pending in Poplar Bluff—to see if he wanted to take custody of the intoxicated, homicidal, suicidal person. Craig Meador was the bondsman and said yes, he would take him to the Butler County Jail. Meador met a deputy at the Stoddard/Butler County line. There was absolutely no exchange of information between Defendant Meador and the Deputy as to the background for why Tim Lee was arrested that morning. Tim was taken to the Butler County Jail, was allowed to keep his long sleeve thermal shirt. Seven days later, he took his life using the shirt as a ligature. Senior Partner, Steve Walsh, sued Sheriff Hefner, Chief Deputy Tommy Horton, the bondsman, Craig Meador and Butler County Sheriff Mark Dobbs and the jailers responsible for the care of Tim Lee while he was incarcerated. Stoddard County, the Sheriff and Chief Deputy were sued for failure to attend to Tim's medical/psychiatric problems; and, for failing to transfer information of the condition of Tim just before handing Tim over to the bail bondsman.
The case settled for a confidential amount at the mediation with John Grimm of Cape Girardeau, mediating. All of the funds for the family went to Tim Lee's son, Nathan, who is attending college.
Confidential Settlement Against Butler County: On May 1, 2014, a 31 year old male and local resident was found in his isolation cell dead as a result of hanging/strangulation. The Firm filed suit against Butler County on behalf of the decendent's mother and father. After extensive discovery and numerous depositions the case was successfully resolved in mediation. The specific terms of the settlement are confidential. The decedent's parents were extremely pleased with not only the monetary settlement but also in the non-economic terms of the settlement directed towards safety of future inmates in the Butler County Jail.
"Not Guilty"--Possession With Intent to Distribute: A Poplar Bluff, 5 man, 7 woman jury took only 20 minutes in deliberation to find our client not guilty of Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute. The case was tried in our local courthouse and featured Chief Trial Lawyer for the Prosecutor's Office, Paul Oesterreicher, Steve Walsh, defending with the case presided over by the Honorable Michael Pritchett.
The State placed into evidence two (2) bags of marijuana, a scale, aluminum foil containing hash oil and numerous photographs. The firm's client and his two witnesses testified that he did and does not sell pot. Deputy Randle Huddleston of the Butler County Sheriff's Department testified that he was given permission to enter into the client's home on Alice Street and saw—in plain view—the marijuana, scale and hash oil residue; further, that the Defendant had admitted that he sold marijuana and, in fact, had sold a ¼ pound just before the deputy's arrival. Under intense cross examination by Steve Walsh, Deputy Huddleston admitted that he did not take a camcorder, a voice recorder or even pen and paper into the home to take notes of the interview. Deputy Huddleston based his report done 7 hours after the arrest at 3:00 a.m. on his memory. The theme of the defense was found in the "Safety Rule" which was repeatedly read to the jury: "A law enforcement officer must always record his interviews with citizens to protect us all and preserve the accuracy and truthfulness of the facts."
The firm's client was charged with a Class B Felony which carries a minimum of five (5) years and a maximum of fifteen (15) years in prison; the client had been offered—in plea bargaining—a Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS) and supervised probation to a reduced a Class C Felony. The client rejected the offer and thus, the jury trial.
After the jury acquittal verdict Steve Walsh, speaking for the firm, stated, "It took a lot of guts for our client to turn down the offer of probation and to choose to go to trial. Obviously, he had faith in our firm. It helped that our client had a clean record, college degree and presented himself well before the jury as did his girlfriend and his former roommate. It confirms my long held belief that jury's usually do the right thing."
$70,000.00 Settlement--No Property Damage to Plaintiff's Vehicle: The Firm, representing a female passenger from Advance, Missouri successfully mediated a personal injury suit. The client was a passenger in a parked car at a convenience store in Advance when the Defendant--who was intoxicated—hit the rear end of the car in which the client was sitting. The unusual feature of this case was that there was no visible damage on the bumper of the client's car, no property damage/repairs.
The Firm brought in a focus group of six (6) local citizens to review the case and to give their opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of each side. The intoxication issue was huge for the focus group and drove up the damages. A 15 minute edited version of the focus group was shown to the defense at the mediation.
This case was featured in a national trial lawyers newsletter because of the lack of property damage and the amount of the settlement.
Mediation settlement: Senior Partner, Steve Walsh, successfully mediated a vehicular collision case for husband and wife clients who received a total of $312,500.00. The clients were involved in a car accident in 2013 in which both were injured when their car collided with a government owned vehicle. Liability was strongly contested by the parties. The firm hired an accident reconstructionist to support their theory that the government vehicle was responsible for the rural accident and for the clients' injuries.
ATF Agent awarded $250,000.00 over MSHP Trooper's arrest: Plaintiff is a Special Agent with ATF and was stopped at night on I-55 while he was headed home from work. MSHP Trooper D.W. Crank pulled the Plaintiff over for erratic driving and said he "reeked of alcohol". In the patrol car Crank insisted on Plaintiff (whom he knew and had worked with before) reciting the alphabet "B to O". Plaintiff asked for the Portable Breath Test (PBT) and was denied. Plaintiff was arrested and taken to the New Madrid County Jail where he registered 0.00% on the Breathalyzer machine. Word of his arrest spread like wildfire throughout the law enforcement communities in Southeast Missouri. Charges were never filed and no tickets were issued. Plaintiff filed suit and MSHP has refused to work with Plaintiff since the date of the arrest on March 6, 2012. ATF has told Plaintiff "for safety reasons" he must be relocated out of Missouri.
High School Coach Found Not Guilty of Statutory Rape: A high school coach in a nearby community was charged with statutory rape of a female high school sophomore. He lost his job at the high school as a result of the allegation and criminal charge. The case went to trial in April. The coach testified in his own defense and the jury--after deliberating only 8 minutes--found him not guilty.
Pedestrian Struck by US Postal Truck: The client was going to her mailbox to pick up the mail when a US Postal truck backed into her knocking her down to the pavement. The firm filed a Federal Tort Claim. The client suffered moderate injuries and was treated. The case settled before trial for $150,000.00.
False Imprisonment/Racial Discrimination: The client was a customer at the Wal-Mart in Kennett, Missouri when an Assistant Supervisor claimed he was stalking/harassing her. Criminal charges were filed and he was found not guilty of stalking. The client claimed that the Assistant Supervisor was the one doing the stalking and had personal problems that affected her work at Wal-Mart. He was arrested for violating the "trespassing ban" of the store. During discovery no "trespassing ban" could be found. The case was mediated in February of 2014 and later settled for $60,000.00. The Assistant Supervisor is no longer with Wal-Mart.
Truck Driver Receives $950,000.00 Settlement: The client was operating his tractor trailer rig along US 60 in Shannon County when he was "t-boned " by a pick-up truck owned by a family propane business. The client was 51 years old and owner/operator of his rig; as a result of the accident he had two surgeries and is no longer able to work. Suit was filed and the settlement of $950,000.00 was achieved shortly before the trial.
Sexual Harassment/Employment Discrimination: The client was hired on in 2012 as part of a construction crew to build the new hospital in Poplar Bluff. Almost immediately there began a series of improper texts and comments from her supervisors; insulting and demeaning graffiti was put on the portable restroom walls; suit was filed in Federal Court; the case was mediated in January of 2014 with the client receiving an award of $75,000.00.
Civil Rights (on appeal): In 2012 Senior Partner, Steve Walsh, was part of a team representing the minor children of a parolee who had been shot by a parole officer in Cape Girardeau. The parole officer claimed self defense; independent witnesses indicated he was trying to flee from the parole officer. The parole officer shot the parolee in the back (who was unarmed) and he died a few minutes later. After a two day trial the federal jury in Cape Girardeau returned a verdict for $1 Million Dollars. This case is now on appeal in the Federal Appellate Court.
Slip and Fall at Fast Food Restaurant: In 2010 Senior Partner, Steve Walsh, filed suit against a local fast food restaurant where the client slipped and fell and injured herself. Liability was denied initially but through investigation the employee admitted to violating the protocol and leaving the floor wet and dangerous. The case was settled for $500,000.00.
False Confession to Murder: In 2010 a young African American man was at the scene of a murder with other persons and charged with 1st Degree Murder. He was taken into custody, interrogated over a lengthy period of time to which he finally confessed to the murder. The defense team, which included Steve Walsh, convinced the jury that it was a false confession. He was found not guilty by the Butler County jury.
I worked with Steve and his staff for several years on my case and they are simply amazing. I cannot thank them enough for all that they did for me and our family. They not only helped me but they truly listened to everything I had to say and took time to make me feel like what I had to say or the questions that I had were important. I can't thank them enough for everything.
Thanks to Steve Walsh and his staff my personal injury case had an excellent outcome. Due to their hard work and perseverance the judgement amount in my case was exceptional. This was a jury trial and Steve’s performance in the courtroom was OUTSTANDING!!!
I was charged with a DWI from 10 years prior. Mr. Walsh was able to get my criminal charges dismissed. He is the best of the best!
Awesome, honest people!! BJ is phenomenal. If I ever get arrested again near poplar bluff I know who to call!
Frank Gambino
Mr. Walsh is undeniably the absolute best criminal attorney to use if you are handling a Stoddard CO situation and live out of said County. His vast knowledge of that area and quality service of council will be worth whatever monetary amount you have to offer.
Jacob Heitmeyer
Steve Walsh represented me in a DWI jury trial. The jury came back after 17 minutes of deliberation with a Not Guilty verdict. I would like to say thanks to the Walsh Law Firm for supporting me and helping me out through all of this trouble that I was in. I would recommend this firm to anyone who needs assistance with any legal matters. The Walsh legal assistants are awesome.
Fantastic help
Matt Carter
Coming to Walsh Law Firm, not knowing anything about a lawyer, Steve treated me just as if we had known each other all of our lives. He was just your plain, average, ordinary guy. He was just Steve Walsh, and I was Lance Brown and that is what meant more to me than anything. He was very thorough, believed in me, listened to me and kept me very informed throughout my whole deal. I cannot thank him enough. His staff is awesome, and I couldn’t ask for anything better. I dealt with all the girls and from the git-go I felt at home with this office and that is what I was looking for. My wife feels the same exact way and we both think we made a smart decision taking a leap and we came in the right direction. It makes a difference when you’re not just a client, you are a friend. I would advise anybody that has any legal matters to definitely check them out because you won’t be disappointed. Less